Quién sabe porqué estoy escribiendo, si todo dejó de tener sentido.

Trabajo, casa, novio, familia, fiesta ya no, amigos ya no, me voy alejando de todo.

Es culpa mía pero se que lo causa una sola persona y no soy tan fuerte para alejarme. Qué tontería, si realmente quisiera ya me hubiera ido algo lejos, o regresado a mi centro. Cada vez me alejo más.

La incertidumbre es la siguiente: si me alejo de él, me acerco a mí? O todo volverá a ser una espiral ciega?

Tantas dudas para una persona tan invisible como yo…

Once upon a time, there was this silly little girl.

She lived in a perfect world, surrounded by people devoted to her, who loved her and felt her love back.

Every detail in her life was perfectly adjusted, everything in place and time and order. Nothing out of place, no harm, no violence.

And then, one day, her world crumbled into a million pieces and she realized it was all a big fat lie.

Therefore, she felt empty, alone and really sad.

Today, she struggles to carry on, pretending everything its just the way it is supposed to be, while deep down her soul she dies every day and every time she forces fake smiles to everyone around her.